Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Other Guy's Election

Watching the buildup to an election you can't vote for is a bit like watching a sporting event. You can have an opinion but can't really do anything to change who will win. This is how the US Presidential election feels. In reality, I'm happy I don't have to pick someone to vote for in this election. I'm not sure if there is a good choice.

Barack Obama is seeking re-election. He seems like a good guy. He said he would change Washington. It doesn't seem to me that he has. Now he is saying he has the experience his opponent doesn't have. That may be true but he first campaigned on not being part of the establishment and now he is saying he is the establishment. 

At the Democratic National Convention the President reminded everyone that he was president when they got Osama Bin Laden. He put this forward as a great example of his foreign policy experience. If you think about it, they were looking for Bin Laden before he was the President. He probably had to tell the Chief of the Joint Staffs to keep looking. That's an easy decision, every American hates Bin Laden. Once they found him, it wouldn't be too hard to order the death of a man hated by every American. I'm not sure if that is a concrete example of great foreign policy action. However, it will tug at the heartstrings of every American.

On the other side there is Mitt Romney. He can run a company but I'm not sure he can run a country. He did run a state, so he may have an idea what he's getting into but often business people have trouble adapting to the inflexible structure of government. What's right for one group may be wrong for another. It's a tough racket to get into if you are used to the flexibility of the business world. I just don't know if he knows what he may end up doing. However, he seems to be the better choice to fix the ailing US economy, and if that gets fixed, the world will become a better place.

I don't know who will do a better job and I don't get a say in this one. I haven't seen a clear answer yet. They both have something to offer. It may come down to the devil you know or the devil you don't. Don't get me wrong, I have no reason to not think they are both decent men who are try to do what they think is right, the problem may be we don't know what is right.

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