Sunday, April 14, 2013

A New Trudeau

I don't know who I'm going to vote for in the next Canadian federal election. It's still over two years away and a lot can change between now and then. That being said, The Liberal Party of Canada has chosen Justin Trudeau as it's new leader.

I'm not sure what to expect from this. I have been disappointed by the Liberals for a long time. Stefane Dion was not a good choice for the leader. I'm sure he is a nice man and tries to do his best but I could not support the idea of him being the face of Canada in the international community. Michael Ignatieff treated the Liberal Party like a hobby. I didn't like him either.

So far, Justin Trudeau has not alienated me.

There are some things he has going for him. This may sound trivial but he has great hair. It matters in a business that image matters so much. He can give a speech, also very important in politics. Those two things along with his famous father give him star power. Again this is important in politics.

He can start to remake the image of the Liberal Party. Right now, they seem like an old and stogy party. Trudeau is a young 41 and he may be able to get younger Canadians excited about politics. He may be able to make things that matter to people under 40 a priority.

There are still a lot of questions about the man. He hasn't said a lot about what he would do if he was running the country. He may have great ideas, he may not. Today we just don't know.

It's too early to tell if Justin Trudeau can fix what's ailing in the Liberal Party of Canada. It's too early to see if they can become a credible alternative for Canadian. If I can give him one piece of advice, drop the "Canada's natural ruling party' rhetoric, That doesn't sit well with anyone but card carrying Liberals and there are not enough of those to win the election.

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