Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sense of Adventure

If you want to live a great life you need to have a few adventures. It's easy to slip into routine and stick to what you know. There are times you need that as a bit of a break but it can't be ongoing in perpetuity. 

I'm amazed at how many people never look for adventure. I'm even more surprised at how many people decline opportunities for something new when it is presented. I understand if there is a scheduling conflict or something out of your control preventing you from trying something new. I don't understand when people don't have a reason not to try it and still don't take advantage of the opportunity.

I was thinking a bit today how my life would be if I didn't try some things that were presented to me. They lead into each other. and have created a life I think is worth living. Some of the key opportunities were:

I joined Air Cadets as a 12 year old;

I learned to fly gliders at 16 and aeroplanes at 17;

I went to university; and

I took a job in and moved to Ottawa.

There were a lot of other great moments and adventures but those were key and a bit out of my comfort zone. I think learning to fly is a bit out of most people's comfort zone but it's really out there for a teenager. I learned a lot about myself on those courses. Since I still fly today, it's easy to say it was a pivotal in my life but I think it would have been true if I still wasn't flying.

If I didn't learn to fly gliders I wouldn't have gone to university. Now you need to realize that I truly believe a degree doesn't guarantee a job but it does open the door to employers to show off who you are.

Moving to Ottawa has been a big and positive change.  I love living in Sandy Hill and walking to work. I have met many interesting, fun, and talented people. It jsut feels like a great place to live.

All of these and many other adventures were outside my comfort zone. It wasn't that hard to jump in but I never really knew what to expect and not knowing is part of the adventure. It's the part I like because that's where the amazing things happen.

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