Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Think Spring May Be On It's Way To Winnipeg

It's still sub zero temperatures in Winnipeg, but as the days get longer and the sun is gets higher in the sky the prospect of spring is coming. You can feel the warmth of the sun. When the heat from the great glowing orb in the sky is unimpeded to earth, snow melts. These are the very early signs of spring.

I like spring. It has often been referred to as an awakening. In Winnipeg it definitely is. We are on the cusp of returning to a habitable climate.

I live in Winnipeg because my job is in Winnipeg. That is usually an important reason to live where you live. However there are times, especially in the winter, I want to pack up and go away, never to return.

Winnipeg winters are brutal. Cold, dark, and dry. The air is dry, we are allowed to buy and drink booze, which is needed to get through some of our winters. It goes pretty good up until Christmas. Once we celebrate the new year, everyone goes into hibernation mode. However, there are signs that we are awakening from our winter nap.

There are some upsides to a Winnipeg winter. There are people who really like winter, they revel in it. They go ice fishing and snowmobiling. They ski and snowboard. I am not one of those people.

There are going to be a few more wintery days. I'm ok with that but I am really looking forward to the first day I do not have to wear a jacket. That day feels like victory. It feels like you have beat old man winter.

It may still be sub zero today but I will relish in the moment when spring arrives.

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