Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where Is It?

I am fairly creative. I come up with some pretty good ideas from time to time. I do write a couple of blogs and occasionally have something good to say. I enjoy photography and have taken some nice photos over the years. I admit I can't draw or paint to save my life, but we can't be good at everything.

Lately, I have not had a creative thought.

It seems the well is dry. It seems all my good ideas are gone. I keep coming up blank. The part that bothers me is I don't know why.

It might be that my life has not been too inspiring. Maybe I'm just tired. I know that's true. I may not care enough at the moment but I don't know why that would be it.

Creativity is fickle. It's easy for it to be turned off. It's easy to lack inspiration. I look at the world around me and I don't see anything interesting. It's like I've been there and done that. Maybe I need a change but its easy to fall into ruts. I seem to be in one.

There is an upside to all this.

I'm sure my creativity will come back. I'm sure I will have more good ideas. I'm sure the world will continue to surprise and amaze me. I'm sure I will say and do things that will be great. I hope it happens sooner than later but I know it will happen.

I'm a creative guy in a funk, but it will come back, and that is a great part of life.

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