Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Power Nap

I have to admit, I like naps. Some quick shuteye can really energize me and get me going for some more action. Lately I am finding my naps have been a bit long. I'm not sure why but I seem to fall into some rather deep sleeps. The nap is great but there is a small drawback.

Sometimes I sleep so much it ruins my night of sleep.

I understand the importance of a proper night of uninterrupted sleep. I think the nap sometimes ruins my proper sleep causing another nap the next day and the pattern repeats itself.

I don't want to give up my awesome naps from time to time but as I get older I find my body doesn't react to unreasonable demands as well. I can still push my body and I can still get the initial results I want but sometimes the carcass decides that's enough and fails me for a brief time. I'm also noticing the brief time of failure seems to be getting longer. At one time it was a few hours now it could be a day or more.

It may be a fact that I'm getting older but I wouldn't trade my past since I have lived a great life thus far and have no reason to not expect it to continue. If it means I have to have a few more rewarding naps, so be it.

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