Monday, November 4, 2013

No Coke for 150 Days

Yesterday was my one-hundred fiftieth day without drinking any Coca-Cola. I am so happy I have made this change in my life. There is no other way to describe that stuff other than pure evil. I don't think there is a beverage on this planet that tastes that good but is so unbelievably bad for you.

Here are the facts.

With no other significant change in my life I have lost twenty-four pounds. I will admit I have been running a bit but it averages less than 5 kilometres per week so I truly doubt it has any real impact on my weight. Since changing jobs I don't walk over five kilometres each workday to get to work and back but, I am on my feet a lot more at my new job than I was at the old one. So, I have to postulate that my change from two-hundred twenty-one pounds to one-hundred ninety-seven pounds is directly related to cutting Coke out of my life.

When I was drinking Coke, pants with a 36 waist fit properly. Since then I needed to buy smaller pants so I went down to 34 waist pants. Now those are starting to be a bit loose. I don't think I'm there yet but I may even have to step down to 32 waist pants. There are two factors at play here. First, if you lose twenty-four pounds, your waist will inevitably get smaller. The weight has to come from somewhere and if we have extra weight, it tends to collect around your waist. Secondly, I don't feel bloated from the carbonation anymore and I think my waist is smaller because of it.

As we get deeper in the fall in Eastern Ontario, I am feeling the cool days more than I used to. I'm sure this is because I'm a lot leaner than I've been for most of my adult life. 

A lot of people, and I mean a lot, have commented. I look noticeably different. It's a good feeling to receive so much positive feedback. It usually takes a significant change for most people to say something so there must be a big difference.

I have a lot more energy. My body is no longer relying on the sugar and caffeine to run so I don't get crashes like I used to. I don't get a headache if my routine is upset and I can adapt a lot better to change. I also sleep a lot better as my system isn't full of garbage that is trying to keep me awake.

Overall, I am very happy that I quit drinking Coke. I'm not going to lie, there are days I miss the taste but that feeling always passes and when I step on the scale, look in the mirror, or wake up from a good sleep I always think it's worth not tasting it for that momentary enjoyment.

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