Saturday, October 16, 2010

Food Coma

Yesterday I went with some friends to Mongo's Grill for dinner. If you don't know, they serve all you can eat Mongolian stir-fry. Here's the thing, if you get a bunch of type A people at an all you can eat restaurant inevitably an eating contest will break out. Alas, it did again.

I ate 3 bowls of stir-fry. There was a guy who ate 5. He didn't even start to slow down until he was well into his 4th bowl.

I wonder how he's feeling today. I was rather sluggish all day.

It was a rather smart group of people that I went with. How do we degrade to gorging ourselves to excess only because we can. There is no logical reason we would eat so much but being naturally competitive, it is bound to happen.

People with competitive streaks in them find it very hard to back down. I know, I'm like that. It can be a very good trait but it can lead you astray.

I was asleep fairly early after my food binge but I didn't sleep so well all night. I knew this was going to happen but I pressed on anyway.

I ate 3 bowls of stir-fry and didn't claim the crown, maybe I'm a bit too competitive, but that's better than not enough.

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