Friday, April 17, 2009

There Are Two Types of People

Everyone has their two types of people. I have often said there are two types of people in the world, pilots, and people who want to be pilots. This helps us orgranize our thoughts or beliefs. Sometimes it just makes us feel better about who we are and how we choose to live.

When it boils right own to it we choose how we go about our lives. We choose to be industrious, or gregarious. We choose to be leaders or to be lead.

Many people think of themselves as the few. The ones who make things happen. However, most people are the many, the ones who are told what to do. They cannot see how it can be done any better. Of course this is their view, they are doing the best they can. Maybe their best is not good enough. Maybe their talents lie elsewhere. Maybe they do not know what is within the art of the possible.

We have all had interactions with these people. It is astounding when you explain what you feel is rather obvious and when they ask questions it is so far into the weeds, you discover they do not have a grasp of the macro level.

If you can't see the maro level, then you must be assisted though the task at every step. This is the role of the many.

If you constantly are feeling like, they didn't tell me to do that or that's not my job, then you are one of the many.

There are two types of people, those who seek out responsibiity an those who avoid it.

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