Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Exploiting the Forces that are There

In the book 'What Would Google Do?' Jeff Jarvis discusses how Google through is attempting to reduce their carbon footprint by investing in green energy, with an effort to make it cheaper than coal power. By doing so economics will make coal power obsolete.

Good idea if you ask me.

The hard part is making the cheap green energy. If we, being the people who consume most of the energy, want it enough we will find a way.

What Google is trying to do is use the powerful economic forces help solve our problems with climate change. That is rather out of the box thinking.

The answers are not always related to the questions. We should be thinking about how we can exploit what is already there to succeed elsewhere.

We could use community to help with the economic distress. Relying on each other, where money maybe doesn't change hands to leave monetary resources to where community cannot help as much. In such we will not need to stimulate the economy as much as a smaller economy may be able to support us in a comfortable fashion. We may even find the connections so many people seem be missing.

This is only one example, I'm sure there are many others.

We need to exploit what is already there.

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