Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cloudy Days, Sweeping the Fun Away

It has been cloudy a lot lately. Cold dreary and cloudy. This has been going on for way too long. It has had a real effect on my mood. I'm not feeling as cheerful as I usually do. Now, I'm not saying I am always a big, bouncing ball of happy, but usually I'm reasonably cheerful. Lately I have not been so cheerful so on Tuesday I said, "That's it!" and booked a trip to fabulous Las Vegas.

It was impulsive. It was last minute, it will be fun. I am off to Sin City with a couple of friends for about 5 days, four nights of fun and stories I may not be able to tell.

I did this because I was in a rut and did not want to stay there. I know the weather can influence my mood. I do not want to let the world around me run me. I can make my own happiness, or at least have a say in how happy I am. I want to be a happy guy and until I booked the trip I was rather miserable.

The anticipation of going has cheered me up. The trip will be fantastic, and the memories and pictures will be with me forever.

I realize not everyone can just up and go on a holiday when they are feeling blue, but they can try to do something to cheer themselves up, and they should.

You have the ability to influence your happiness, so if the weather is getting you down do something to help you feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, must be nice to be able to just drop everything last minute and fly away, I'm jealous. Have a great time!
