Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I have a confession to make. I have developed an addiction. There were a few years I had managed to curb my urge but it has been back for a while. I don't think I will ever be able to move on from this. It has changed my sleep patterns. It impacts my mood.

I am hooked on late night television.

My shows of choice are The Late Show with David Letterman and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Both shows contain an off-kilter sense of humour that strikes a chord with me. Their ability to laugh at themselves and use their public flaws connects with me. It's just really funny.

It is the only medium that can regularly go from hilarious to poignant in seconds and you never know when it could happen. Because guests are part of the format there is always an element of unpredictability. They can have a conversation about nothing important that is very entertaining but they can also raise a key point on a critical issue that makes you want to know more.

These hosts were not my first go around with late night television. The first hit was The Arsinio Hall Show but that flavour is no longer available. I figured I would grow out of this one day but I'm pretty sure I will be soaking in the pure entertainment of late night will into my seventies.

I admit it I have an addiction to late night television. As addictions go, I think this one is pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. Craig Ferguson is the smartest man on television
