Monday, December 17, 2012

The Sands of Time

Today I'm sitting at a friend's place in Winnipeg where it is definitely looking a lot like winter. I don't live here anymore but I do make it back quite often. It turns out that despite the fact I have lived in Ontario for my last three birthdays I still have spent every one in Manitoba. I think part of it is because my birthday is so close to Christmas it's easy to be here.

December is a time a lot of people reflect on the year gone by. We also do this on the day our age changes.

I think the big take away for me this year is the more you try to be a positive influence on the people around you the better your own life will be. If you are looking for ways to make another's life a bit better every chance you get then they will enjoy your company and when they can, do the same for you.

I know this is not rocket surgery or anything fancy but we can forget this in the daily grind. There is no reason not to smile at the sales associate when you are buying a new pair of gym shorts or to hold the door one second so it doesn't close on the random person walking into the mall behind you. Yet, somehow its easy to forget. It's easy to be self absorbed and caught up in the current issue. The little things take almost no time or effort but they can make someone else's day a lot better.

So, if you are to do anything for me on my birthday, I ask you to give a little kindness to someone today. It will make their world a bit better place and who knows, it may even be me you are nice to.

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