Saturday, May 30, 2009

If People Would Just Drive the Speed Limit Down Main Street, There Would be World Peace

Many years ago when I was still living with my parents, I was returning to town after a long drive. I really needed a bathroom stop but I decided to hold it until I get home. It was a Sunday afternoon and traffic in downtown Russell Manitoba would be quite light or possibly non-existent. As I left the highway and started down Main Street I caught up to a car going about 25 km/h, half the posted speed limit. There were only two cars on all of Main Street. Myself and the other car. The other car did not speed up. My bladder felt like it was about to rupture. When we finally got to my turn off I raced the rest of the way, home. I ran into the bathroom and relieved myself. When I came out my parents asked why I was rushing. I replied, "If people would just drive the speed limit down Main Street there would be world peace." I continued to rant about this point for several minutes.

There is more truth to this than may first meed the eye.

I realize that even if everyone drives the speed limit down Main Street in Russell Manitoba it will probably not have an effect on North Korea's nuclear testing program. But, if you look deeper at the idea the principle may have an effect on the world as we know it.

I was not insisting the other driver speed or break any other traffic law. I was only asking the other driver to make it easier for me to arrive home quicker. It would have been a significant gain for me without any drawback for the other driver. The other car would not be a danger to any other car on Main Street since we were the only two.

Too often people, groups, organizations, or nations do what they do without consideration for the full impact of their actions. Generally their response is it was within the rules so it can be done. They were not concerned how their actions affected others.

I realize no one is perfect and it is nearly impossible to act in a manner that will please everyone all the time however, if we take the time to consider the consequences of our actions and adjust our behaviours if we see they are not well received, the world will be a little bit more tolerable for a lot more people.

It is not the entire answer but it should make the world a happier place, which is a step towards world peace.

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