Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It A Sign When...

It's probably not going to be a great day when you are awoken by the sound of wind blowing past your window and it's not your alarm that brings you out of your dream state.

The weather in Ottawa was rather nasty. It made my walk to work unpleasant. However it wasn't as bad I thought it would be. I basically had a tailwind as i walked so the rain wasn't really driving into my face. There were a few moments that the 35 knot gusts made walking unpleasant but it was only a few moments.

After work I walked to the gym. This wasn't as good. As I left the office it started to rain harder and ice pellets fell from the heavens. The water was running off the front of my jacket and soaking my pants. I think this was partly due to me having to walk into the wind. As I got close to the pedestrian underpass near the Rideau Centre I noticed a large group of people congregating in the underpass. It turns out is was a 4-20 party in full swing. I'm not sure if this is a bad thing but it was a minor inconvenience.

After the gym it was only misting as I walked home.

All in all the day really wasn't that bad. It had some moments that I would prefer to forget but I'm safe and healthy so really how bad could it be?

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