Friday, April 15, 2011

So Who Should You Vote For?

In Canada a federal election is coming up on May 2, 2011. As the candidates continue to campaign for support, people are starting to ask themselves and others very serious questions about who they should vote for.

I always vote. I vote because I think it is important to stand up and be heard. It is important to exercise the privilege that many are fighting for. It is important to influence how the country should be run. For me voting has always been a very serious but moving moment. When I go behind the cardboard stand at the polling station I always have to take a moment, I feel like I could make a mistake. It always ends up I vote and carry on and often feel a sense of relief and fulfillment. I'm not sure why and maybe that's just me but it is sure how I feel.

It can be difficult to figure out who to vote for. There is no one right system to decide. You have to go about it how you feel best but you need to select the representation that will provide the results on the issues that matter to you. Since it is by secret ballot, you don't have to share your decision or reason with anyone. A lot of people will try to persuade you vote a certain way or say you should vote strategically so the pArty that is expected to win doesn't get a majority. That's all garbage. Vote for the party and candidate you believe will best represent you in the Canadian Parliament. That's the only way the voice of the people will be accurately heard.

I have my views on how the country should be run and who should run it. They are my beliefs and I will vote accordingly. I don't feel the need to share them and that's not what this entry is about. What I will say is that everyone who is legally allowed to vote should go out and vote for whoever you believe will best represent you for the years to come.

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